Over the years many people have written letters thanking me and sharing their experiences of spiritual healing work with me.
I would like to share a few of these letters and testimonials. I hope it will help to increase awareness of the importance of our spiritual and human energy fields, and that spiritual energy healing can have tremendous results in creating optimal spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health.
A whole, healthy spiritual body truly allows a person the possibility to become whole and healthy on all levels. The following testimonials, letters, and essays were received from clients who have worked with me as a spiritual healer and channel. Only some of the names have been changed to protect people's privacy.

Susan, Rhode Island
A schoolteacher in Rhode Island, who was very ill, who said, 'she was going from doctor to doctor, healer to healer, and getting nowhere':
On December 2nd, 1992, I had a spiritual energy-field healing done by Timothy Long. I hadn’t been feeling well since September and had previously undergone various blood work to find out why I was so exhausted all of the time. The doctors determined I had an unknown virus of some kind. Meeting Timothy was the beginning of a rebirth for me, so to speak. The entire process was very powerful, and after it was completed, I felt like a great burden had been lifted off of me! It has been two months now, and I feel terrific in all ways. But of course, nothing comes easy in life, so every day I must remember to eat right, get plenty of restful sleep, exercise meditate and pray to my guides, think positive, loving thoughts, and basically try to live my life in a peaceful, spiritual way. I want to say thanks again, Timothy, for being a healer, a teacher, and someone who truly cares about the well-being of others!
Jubae, Australia
Thanks, Timothy; I'm grateful that you were one of my angels on my path!! Sooo grateful! You took my hand and led me through the maze of fear I had built inside of my head. As I look back, I KNOW I would not be at this place in my life without assistance from people like yourself! I finally like being with me and can appreciate the person I have evolved into. You hold a special place in my heart always!
Penny, New York
You are an AMAZING healer!! It is totally miraculous that since our session, I have had ZERO food cravings/binge sessions with any carb or sugar items. This is Day 8, and I do not have any desire to go find some cookies, chocolate, or potato chips. I am happily stunned!! I had no desire to purchase those items when shopping in the health food store. I have lost four pounds since Monday and have not been overly hungry. THANK YOU!!! That was a deep session, and some things got cleared that had not been touched yet. I was totally caught in a food addiction until our session. Thank God and the Universe for you!
David, New Hampshire
Dear Timothy, I just wanted to write to you to thank you for all your help. The changes in my life have been tremendous.
Charlene, New York
This is a letter I received from a woman in New York whose energy field I cleared about twelve years previously, when she was struggling with life, and it changed her life in many positive ways. Since then, she became happily married and had two children. She has worked as a district attorney and now serves as the personal assistant to a Supreme Court Judge. I recently did a spiritual healing for her husband, who has been out of work and very depressed. The following is the end of a long letter she wrote to thank me and to tell me of all the changes occurring as a result of her husband’s healing:
“...I also see him trying to heal some of his anger towards his family. If only everyone would get their auras healed, the transformation in this world would be amazing. I hope to speak with you soon. I know you’re very busy, but I just wanted you to know of the many blessings upon us and wish you well. Love, Charlene."
Catherine, New York
The following letter of thanks was sent to me by a lady living in Queens, New York:
Dear Timothy, I will be thankful to you for your great kindness to me for the rest of my life. With God’s help, I found you when my life was falling apart, and darkness was all I could find. For years, I searched for the answers to why I was put on this earth because of all the pain and suffering I was going through. I went from one tarot card reader to another, and too many psychics who only took my money and lied to me. When I found myself at the end of my rope, I got down on my knees and asked God to send me someone to help me, and that’s when I found you, Tim. You taught me about spiritual guidance and gave me hope when I had none. You taught me about my health and how I should take care of myself. And you fixed my spiritual body as well. Timothy, there were so many times in my life that I had nowhere to turn and so many unanswered questions about my mom, who went home to be with God when I was just a little girl, and about my father, who couldn’t show me any love. You took care of these questions and many more. Timothy, you are truly blessed by God with these wonderful gifts, and I thank God for sending one of his angels to help me and make me whole again. You are truly one of God’s angels. I thank God every day of my life for finding you, and I know you will be there for me when I need help or just a friend to listen to. God Bless you, Timothy, my dear friend; because of you, I am well.
Catherine wrote the letter above a number of years previously to this one:
Dear Tim, I have been talking to Kelly.. and another young lady. I told them the truth: they need to do what you tell them, that you helped me a lot, and that you only work for the good of God. I told them that God put you here to help those who are in need and that they needed to let you clean their aura because it helped me and that I felt whole again. And what an angel you are, and that my own health is getting better because of you. And Tim, I mean it from my heart; without you, I couldn’t have made it. And I owe you so much. Tim, Kelly is in a lot of pain, and I told her she needed you to help her get well. Today, she called me and told me she was under a spell put on her by this woman named Tina S., who paid $2000.00 to do a meditation for her. These kinds of people will tell you anything to get your money. But that is why God put you here to help them.
Marianne, New York
A secretary working at a large firm in New York wrote:
Dear Timothy, Thank you for your spiritual cleaning; I do see some improvement around the problems I’ve lived with. For example, in the past, I have been ignored by almost everyone. But since the cleaning, I am not ignored so much. I thought that maybe I was ignored because of the dirty aura I was projecting. My mind is not as fuzzy as before. I am more alert to what is around me. Once again, thank you for your patience; you must truly be a God-send for me.
Sandra, California
May you continue to help and heal others. May God continue to use you as a wonderful instrument of higher consciousness healing. I’ll always remember you and feel grateful for our paths crossing. God Bless.
Carrie, Tennessee
I received the following letter from a woman in Tennessee:
Thank you for healing my son from seizures. My son had seizures for approximately 10 years. When he first started to have seizures, we took him from hospital to hospital. They could not help him, and he continued to get worse and worse. He began to have one or more seizures each week. Since I got in touch with you and you started working with him, the seizures have stopped completely. He is like another person. This happened right after you began working on him. The healing you did really worked. I am delighted to tell you how he has improved and how grateful I am to you.
Elena, Texas
I am not the same woman who you met two months ago and my peace, happiness, and health are paramount to me and that will never change. You have been such a huge part of this fundamental change, and I will be forever grateful to you for that. Your love and support are unlike anything I have ever experienced before, and I know it is a large part of why I was and am able to live with this clarity and inner stability. You have taught me many things, but one of the most important is that whenever I don’t know what to do or how I feel, I can quiet my mind, and my spirit will lead me.
Carol, New York
Timothy Long is an outstanding facilitator for people ready to be free. His approach combines loving support, wisdom, and simplicity. With Timothy’s help, I’ve been able to permanently clear years of anguish, sadness, and fear. Timothy supports me all along the way and helps me out of stuck areas in a gentle and focused way.
Susan, New York
Meeting Timothy was the beginning of a rebirth for me, so to speak. The entire process was very powerful, and after it was completed, I felt like a great burden had been lifted off of me! It has been two months now, and I feel terrific in all ways. Thanks again, Timothy, for being a healer, a teacher, and someone who truly cares about the well-being of others!
Patricia, Maryland
The following testimonial was sent to me by a neuroscientist doing research in the field of anti-aging at the NIH (National Institute of Health):
I came to know Timothy Long while I was in graduate school. At that time, I was working very hard to complete my doctorate in neurobiology and had been dealing with many difficult personal issues, as well. I became increasingly aware that, although I was working through my difficulties, there was an underlying discomfort and sadness that I continued to experience. It was of a spiritual nature, and such a problem cannot be resolved by conventional means. As a neuroscientist, the existence and nature of an aura or energy-field is understandable to me scientifically, as well as spiritually. The nervous system of all human and non-human animals is governed by electrochemical events. The nerve fibers are conductors of electrical currents; these currents are produced by the flow of charged ions (such as sodium and potassium) and it is a scientific fact that, wherever there is an electrical current, there exists a magnetic field perpendicular to it. Most people are familiar with common magnets and how their invisible field or “force” attracts or repels certain particles from a distance. Like the energy we know as “light,” a magnetic field, although a part of the physical world, possesses qualities that are difficult for physicists to definitively characterize, although its effects can be measured. We, too, are magnets in a sense, and the magnetic field of each individual is unique. The soul of every living thing is not of the same nature as our physical world, but somehow, the soul must interact with a physical body. The magnetic field produced by each individual being provides the matrix for that connection and for the interaction with other forms of energy around us. An intact aura is necessary for the proper functioning of the being as a whole: body, mind, and soul. When distressing situations, emotions, or behaviors persist and chronically interfere with the healthy dynamics of our nervous system, the field is disrupted, and the harmonious interaction between body, mind, and soul is disrupted as well. A cycle is then set up whereby the now disrupted aura no longer serves as a shield against further disruptions in well-being, both emotionally and biologically. One of the ways in which Timothy helped me was by doing a spiritual aura cleansing and healing of my aura. I felt a renewed flow of awareness and energy, which made it possible for me to determine the direction I needed to take in my life and to execute it. Recently, I experienced another period of great change and emotional upheaval in my life. Following these events, I asked Timothy to perform another auric healing for me. Again, I felt a greater sense of stability. From both a scientific and spiritual viewpoint, the integrity of one’s auric energy field is necessary for the well-being of the body, mind, and soul.
Larisa, New York
I have been a client of Timothy Long for several years now and I couldn’t be happier. He is a miracle worker. Ever since I began working with Timothy, my life has taken a 180 degree turn.
Kathy, Rhode Island
Timothy Long is a natural healer, and his personality and natural skills lead to extraordinary emotional healing.
Christie, New Hampshire
I will forever be thankful that you were put in my life. I have begun a journey of wholeness that as a sick person, I never dreamed possible. I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin as I do today, nor have I been so fearless and felt so free. I am grateful for so many things today, especially for the living angels that God has put in my path that have enabled me to heal.
Sandra, New York
Hi Timothy, I know it has been a long time since we spoke last. I just wanted to let you know how I was doing. Well, I graduated from school, and I am now certified to teach in NYC. I will start subbing soon and wait for a full-time position to open. I want to thank you so much for helping me through this. You have helped me to go for my dreams and get out of that dark place I was in. I want to thank you for coming into my life at a time when I was lost. I am slowly finding my way. Thank you!!!
Jeffrey, New Jersey
A young man living in New Jersey wrote the following testimonial to perhaps publish in a newspaper or magazine. Due to his personal experiences, he feels a strong need to help prevent others from suffering as he has:
I am in my late twenties and graduating college with a degree in psychology. I am writing this because I know that I can hopefully help others from making some of the same mistakes that I have made and from having to learn the hard way as I did. When I was growing up, I never would have believed that I would have gotten involved with drugs or witchcraft. I was looking for help. So when I read an ad offering to teach the 'power of Wicca,' I was intrigued and responded. Their early literature reassured me that all of their practices were in harmony with God, nature, and our spirit guides. They stated that their way was an ancient way to achieve insight, wisdom, peace, and harmony. It all sounded great. I enrolled, and soon, I learned many standard witchcraft mediumship techniques —tarot cards, mirrors, and methods of trying to get whatever I wanted. I read books on the occult, trying to learn new ways to connect myself with greater powers and find some magical doorways to show me everything I needed to discover and learn about myself. I wanted a way to help me answer the questions of who I was and what the purpose of my life was. Around this time, I responded to a large and frequent ad asking me to join a large Rosicrucian group. Their ad and subsequent information pack promised secret, mystical, ancient techniques that would allow me to attune to my inner self and with the cosmic and that I could thereby achieve mastery, peace, and harmony. I was soon enrolled and excited about my new venture. During this period, I was occasionally drinking alcohol and smoking pot. Neither of these activities was discouraged by either group; in fact, one group encouraged the use of alcohol. I got the idea in my head that smoking pot and performing a 'ritual' would teach me something that I was looking to learn. I remember the night that I mixed marijuana and a 'ritual' together. I felt extreme torment and pain and felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. When I wrote to the group about my painful experiences, I expected personal attention and some type of explanation. I received only a strange letter saying that they enjoyed reading my letter, so I put these things aside for a while and went on with my life. I call this period my 'manic' period. For a few months, I became darker than ever before. I thought and felt more and more violence and aggression. I lifted weights daily to feed and calm the aggression inside of me. I worked more and slept less. When I occasionally smoked marijuana, I felt violent and angry. In short, I became more and more distanced from my sensitive, caring side. This period only lasted a few months. Soon, I became depressed. My energy and strength got lower and lower. Then I became very depressed. The emptiness and depression that I felt eventually led me back to God. I realized that my down times were the result of my soul forcing me to feel and realize that I needed to live on a higher spiritual level, that the period of insensitivity and darkness I lived through wasn't the real me. I began praying again and walking towards God and peace of mind. However, I was only beginning to get my life back in order, and I still felt uncertain about my future, so I went to a spiritualist with a big ad in the Yellow Pages. She seemed half crazy, but I was willing to listen and believe anyway. Over time, she said she saw and knew everything I had gone through. Over a year and a half, she convinced me to give her about $7,000, which happened to be all of my money. She told me that this money all went to supplies such as candles, crystals, and incense. She said that she needed the money for her to perform certain rituals that were necessary to clean my body and my soul of the demonic possession and the evil energy that I had experienced and to make me strong and healthy again. I believed her at first but began to have my doubts. I became skeptical because whenever I became close to paying off everything that she had said I owed her, she would then say that she needed more money to maintain what I had already accomplished. So, I kept looking for a new path to help me break from her and resolve my uncertainties about my experiences. I came across an ad placed in a new age magazine by Timothy Long that read: 'Heal the damage done to your aura through drugs, alcohol, emotional blocks, sex without love. Reclaim your energy and spiritual connection.' I thought about this ad for a few days and called. After meeting him and speaking with him on the phone, I could tell that he was one of the most Holy men I had ever met. He is calm, strong, and grounded. His words reflect a deep, real caring for people and for the truths of life. I am grateful and thank God that he has been there to help me. Timothy explained that the real reason I had begun to feel better since seeing the spiritualist was that I began to pray to God for help, not because of whatever 'spiritual work' she claimed she had done for me. The next thing that Timothy did for me was to seal my aura. He explained to me that a single demon did not really possess me through my occult activities and that neither did the 'spiritualist' that I dealt with exorcise the entities or the evil energy from me. He explained that I had damaged my aura through drugs, alcohol, and other negative activities and that then, through using the 'mystical' techniques of the Rosicrucians, Wiccans, and other similar Orders, I had begun to call the spirit world in a very dangerous way. It was because my aura was badly damaged and the low entities who were surrounding me that I felt increasingly dark and violent, and as I fed them so much of my energy, I soon became drained, stressed out, depressed, and almost completely overwhelmed. Timothy also helped me to understand that some people's souls allow them to live at that level of darkness for long periods but that those with more sensitive, spiritual souls can not bear the darkness and aggression inside of them and that they eventually become depressed and realize that they need God. After stressing the necessity of having a sealed aura, Timothy has taught me a way of communicating with my spirit guides to help myself and others. His techniques are very natural and simple and are in harmony with my early beliefs about God and Jesus (although he says his methods work well for people of different religions). His methods feel clean and Holy. They are very different from the strange rituals I took part in my past groups. I have been learning from him for over a year now, and during this time, I have grown in strength and peace. I continue to grow closer to God. Timothy has helped me raise my life to a higher place spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. He has taught me ways that work.
Linda, New Jersey
When I first contacted you, I was going through a serious depression and was searching for an alternative to psychotropic drugs. I was really frightened of sinking deeper into the depression. My problem was one where I fought to get up every morning and had zero energy. I found the counseling very helpful… Honestly, though, it was more of a spiritual crisis for me, and connecting with Spirit and letting go of my guilt and shame over having had an abortion (some years earlier) was so beneficial. This is where you helped me so much. I prayed and meditated and began to forgive myself
Richelle, Texas
Thank you for the work you have done for me. I want to express my deep gratitude for the time, energy, and teaching you have given me. Knowing your wise, grounded voice has provided me with comfort and an inner sense of peace and joy that seems to have been eluding me now for quite some time. The healing work and the conversations we have had have changed my life. Thank you, thank you! The impact you had on my life was very profound and stabilizing. It is truly a gift knowing you.
Jean, Pennsylvania
The following letter is from a single mother who works as a medical claims agent for a large insurance company in Pennsylvania:
I think it has been about 6 years now since we worked together. I remember when I called you, I was a mess—both physically and mentally. I had physical/medical issues and emotional issues. I was getting nowhere fast. I was skeptical but became a firm believer once I experienced the results. I felt the difference after the healing. I felt my energy staying inside me instead of leaving me. I was able to focus and concentrate, think more clearly, and complete tasks both at home and at work. All my problems weren’t solved overnight, but I was in better condition to deal with them. The healing work took care of my basic needs so that I was able to progress to my other needs. Today, I am doing quite well.
Ivy, Germany
Dear Timothy, I really would like to thank you for helping me and inspiring me during a difficult time in my life. Patiently and carefully you guided me back to the core of the person I was truly meant to be. Each time I spoke with you my faith in myself and my abilities were restored and fears and insecurities diminished. You also showed me that joy and beauty can be found in any set of circumstances and that difficulties (e.g. relationship problems and illnesses) can be utilized as a driving force for success and personal growth. In other words, you helped me see and understand that diseases deemed “incurable” by conventional medicine can indeed be cured, and cured in a deeper sense than just clearing the physical symptoms. Those same diseases that we are so afraid of actually have a function to serve as teachers and guides to discover the true beauty of the human soul. Thank you.
Deborah, California
Excerpts from Deborah's Spiritual Cleansing/Healing Journal:
There are changes that happen every day during this spiritual cleansing, and it sometimes takes me a while to realize they are changes. Currently sleeping is a big change. I have always been a good sleeper, at least I thought so, 7-8 hours a night (less in college). Now I am dead to the world minimum of 8 hrs, and on days that I can sleep in, at least 10 hrs. Tim told me this can be somewhat normal during the cleansing process and that I must need it. My temperament is also balancing out. A lot of the old jealousies and anger are dissipating. Things at work that would just get my knickers in a twist, just are not that important in the scheme of things. I still do my very best at my job, but let's face it: the world would not stop spinning if I couldn't buy a printer. I also spend more time with friends and myself. I never put time aside just for me to think. I used to put time aside to watch TV but not introspect. I am also able to voice my opinions openly, as opposed to my way or the highway. The people I interact with respond completely differently. There are still issues I take a stand on (as the song goes, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.) As I have gone through this process, so much has returned to me - memories, feelings, and thoughts. I have had a feeling of letting go. I have looked all of my life for someone to tell me who I had to be for my life to work out right. I am that person. I can get guidance from God, angels, spirits, and people, but only I can make the choices. There are no wrong choices, except maybe not making any choices. I realized this recently. I have been asking for guidance as to where to go next in my life. I wanted God to show me the path. That way, I would be right. Ya know what? He isn't going to give me a road map. He taught me long ago the difference between right and wrong; then, he gave me a choice. Now, it is up to me. I cannot guarantee that I will always choose the path of least resistance; sometimes, it's easy, and sometimes things are worth fighting for. I know who I am, and I get to know myself a little better each day. No one can take that away from me. I can give it away, but it cannot be taken. As long as I remember, I don't need to be perfect to be accepted. I can be me, and if that works for others, that is good. Will it work for everyone? NO! There will always be others who will want to mold me or concentrate on what they feel is wrong with me so they won't have to look too long in a mirror. I should know, I was them. But that's okay. Every day I look in the mirror, and I remind myself to "REMEMBER WHO I AM". Who am I? I am a beautiful, joyful, compassionate woman who rejoices in the light of God. I LIVE!! Live, Learn, and Pass it on my friends.
Marilyn, Arizona
The following essay was sent to me about eight years ago by a woman who greatly appreciated what I did for her. She was overjoyed to find me, as she had been searching a long time for someone to understand and to help her. She had tried many healers and had been left very disappointed. She wrote this and gave it to me in order that it might help someone else:
Timothy Long offers a rare gift in cleansing the inner light-energy field, the aura. Many of the benefits that come along with this treatment are more practical than might be apparent at the start. However, to accept the beneficial effects of aura cleaning, the first thing one has to let go of is the idea that health is limited to a condition existing only in the physical body and that treatment to improve one’s health can only consist of physical procedures administered to the physical body by a doctor who is physically present at the time the treatment is administered. One has to accept that the body contains an individualized spiritual entity made entirely of energy and consciousness, which is not limited to physical contact the way the physical body is. This inner being is capable of communicating with other beings on a psychic plane. It can be reached by entities existing on many different levels of spiritual consciousness, ranging from the heavenly to the hellish, depending on the condition of the entities involved. In this way, Timothy administers this very subtle treatment, which affects his patients’ inner energy field and manifests as an improvement in their overall condition, which includes their physical condition. Because we live in a world that doesn’t generally recognize or respect the fragility of this inner being we all possess, life in the material world isn’t designed for good spiritual health. Almost everything we experience in day-to-day life is polluting to our inner purity. Today’s so-called ‘political correctness’ demands that we force our minds to accept all kinds of illness and perversion from people who simply can’t face the fact that they’re sick. Many things we now accept as adaptations to modern life are really just complications of our polluted condition. I am one of those people who experienced this damage in a very direct manner. In the 1970s, I was your classic “liberated woman,” and I wanted to do everything I could to break the mold of traditional womanhood. In 1978, when I became pregnant, I thought it was my right and privilege to terminate the pregnancy, but after this so-called “safe, simple” procedure was performed, I realized that an unspeakable horror had been committed, not only from the moral standpoint but also from the standpoint of inner spiritual health—mine and the baby’s. I was unmistakably aware that a big hole had been torn in my inner energy field, and the equilibrium of my whole being was thrown off balance. This is not to mention the trauma done to the soul of the baby, who went back out into the astral plane and waited for another chance to be born. I spent a lot of years trying to adjust to the damage done to my inner spiritual entity by abortion. I did a lot of things that I consider an effort to make peace with the soul of the baby. In 1981, I became pregnant again and decided to keep the baby. That was a major step in the right direction, but in quiet truth, I still felt like my inner energy field was full of fissures and fractures. American slang is full of references to this condition; we say we’re cracking up, or someone is cracked, or he’s a crackpot. There’s a lot more truth to these expressions than we realize. A person who experiences trauma to his system really can develop cracks in his inner energy field. I can say that when I was in this cracked condition, I had a constant sense of losing energy as if gas was continually dripping out of my fuel tank. The subtlety of this condition cannot be overemphasized. I didn’t consciously think much about it, but, looking back, I realize that it was there, draining me and making me feel dissipated and somehow out of step with the flow of nature. Of course, this damaged condition went along with an acceptance of all the popular issues of the day, all the so-called ‘progressive’ thinking which was considered hip and beautiful, such as the use of recreational drugs, marijuana, LSD, uppers, downers and so on; added to this was a bizarre parade of Nature’s freaks and misfits. I include in this grotesque Mardi Gras the extremes of religious fanaticism, the faith that metastasizes into a cancerous obsession with Satan and demon possession and such things as cults, evangelical bigotry, and the various illusions that drive celebrity stalkers, and political assassins. All these things amount to nothing more than the outpourings of damaged minds and twisted energy fields. Before I had the aura cleaning done, I was much more susceptible to the influence of these extremes, if not from my own mind, than from the minds of others. I felt like ghouls and goblins were hiding in the dark corners of my subconscious, and many real people I came in contact with were spiritually inhabiting this lower, darker, ghoulish realm. There’s a lot of hidden truth in the phrases ‘dope fiend’ and ‘sex fiend.’ Even though these are older slang terms from previous generations, I can see why they were adopted: because dope and illicit, perverted sex are manifestations of contact with this polluted, fiendish realm of lower entities. Amazingly, the aura cleaning has a way of sweeping these lower entities away and sealing a person’s inner being so that ghouls, goblins, vampires, and torturers can’t get in. One develops a keener sense of the spiritual condition of any new acquaintance, and if they’re perverted, they simply get turned away before they get in. Nobody can put a curse on you unless there’s a crack somewhere in your psychic energy field for the curse to get into. All this may sound pretty strange; maybe fiends and curses aren’t your particular problem. But I can say with absolute certainty that people bothered by these things gain protection from the aura cleaning. Another way to think of one who has a traumatized inner being is to picture a house that lacks good insulation. It takes more energy to heat a house without weather stripping because heat is continually being lost through the countless minute cracks in the structure. The way this manifests in a person’s life is an inability—or at least a decreased ability—to reach out and care for others because all the psychic energy is used up in healing one’s inner wounds; there’s nothing left over for others because the simple process of existing has used up every drop of energy. However, once a person has been cleansed and sealed, there is less need within him to use all his inner healing energy for the purpose of healing himself. He has an abundance of healing energy to offer others. This subtle effect is felt in a greater ability to solve and cope with all of life’s problems, both practical and subliminal, and fritter way less energy being neurotic or simply ineffective. Timothy Long’s aura cleaning is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself!
Chris, Ohio
The next testimonial was sent to me by a man living in Ohio. He originally called me in a very mentally disturbed state of mind, he said, 'was the result of a very unhealthy lifestyle.' Eventually, I learned he had been performing “white magic” rituals, he found in a new age book. He said, 'that it was the straw that broke the camel's back and caused him to break down.' It actually took a fair number of phone calls to win his trust. His doctors diagnosed him with schizophrenia. He was medicated at the time we met. Though over the course of my work he no longer took or needed any medication. Originally, when he called me, he did definitely have different personalities, and I would say psychotic thinking, which is why it took me a few weeks of his daily, and sometimes frequent calls to win his trust. This man was so impressed and grateful for the way our work together quite radically and quickly changed his life, and brought him the healing and peace mind he desired, that he has personally paid for over fifteen family members and friends to experience similar spiritual healings with me, including a few world leaders, that we did witness some remarkable, positive changes in their lives and leadership:
I would like to say that Mr. Long has had a unique influence on my life in that he has led me from a decidedly un-spiritual life into a life where spiritual development is of the utmost importance to me. I came to Mr. Long with a lot of problems. I was experiencing many symptoms of unhealthiness in my life. I was suffering from headaches and feelings of great spiritual disturbance and trouble. He counseled me, providing me with much necessary information about myself, my life, and how to remedy my situation. He cleansed and healed my aura, making me whole both spiritually and physically. My headaches cleared, and the great spiritual and emotional disturbances went away. In addition, over the years, Mr. Long has counseled me on nutrition and health. I believe he is a great expert in this field as well. Altogether, I feel Mr. Long is a teacher and healer of high spiritual development, and I believe he is without peer in his field. He appears to me to be most modest about his accomplishments, but saving lives is a truly great and heroic accomplishment. I have considered it an honor and a privilege to have Mr. Long to turn to for help when I most needed it. I recommend him highly to any potential clients.
This same gentleman also had me heal his mother’s energy field. He was often worried about her due to her age and her many health problems. He was very happy with the results and reported that “she is much easier to get along with.” Then, about a year later, she was scheduled for surgery, so he had me do another spiritual healing for her. He was amazed at her further improvement. She had always been a bitter, anxious, and very difficult person. Now, she had improved as much again as she had in the first healing. Also, the surgery was much less of a problem than the doctors expected and she recovered remarkably well. Recently, about two years after the second healing, he had me repeat it for a third time. Again, he was again amazed how much she further improved in temperament and in health: “She is so pleasant, she is not the same mother I knew my whole life!”
Jennifer, New York
Perhaps it is one of the great blessings of life to find people who can see us shine when we don’t see it ourselves. Timothy certainly did that for me.
Sara, Italy
I want to thank you because you are teaching me not simply with words or theories but with all your being. The way you are with your love, your listening, your calm, funny approach—it’s really precious.